Try These Top Tips for Upholstery Cleaning

Try These Top Tips for Upholstery Cleaning

Keeping your upholstery clean can be a challenge. From time to time, you should hire professional upholstery cleaning services. However, there are also many things you can do for your upholstery between professional cleanings.

Keeping the upholstery clean makes it look nicer, keeps your home fresh, and reduces allergies. Check out these top tips to help with keeping your upholstery clean.

Vacuum Often

One way to keep your upholstery clean is to vacuum it often. If you’re vacuuming other surfaces in your home, go ahead and spend a few minutes on the couch, too! Grab the smaller upholstery attachment to go over the surface really well.

You would be surprised how much dirt, pollen, and other debris lands on the sofa. And if you have pets, then you also have pet hair and dander in there. These can contribute to allergies and illnesses, as well as to how the furniture looks.

Vacuuming the upholstery is just as valuable as vacuuming and sweeping your floors, so don’t neglect it!

Avoid Moisture

There are times you might need a little bit of moisture for something like a stain, but overall you want to avoid excess moisture on your upholstery. Even spills are something you want to avoid at all costs.

Any time moisture does get used, be sure to get it dried completely. Otherwise, that moisture could contribute to the growth of mold deep beneath the surface of the furniture. When you’re using cleaners, be very cautious about not using too much moisture. Ideally, look for alternative solutions that don’t involve soaking the upholstery.

Then, take steps to clean up all moisture.

Know Your Upholstery

Learn about your upholstery. There are many different materials with varying cleaning recommendations. Take the time to get to know the upholstery and read any attached care labels for best practices. You certainly don’t want to risk ruining your upholstery by cleaning it incorrectly.

You may see single codes on the care label. Here is what those codes mean:

  • W – water-based cleaners are ok
  • S – solvent-based cleaners only
  • W, S – use water or solvents
  • X – no cleaners, vacuum only

Hire Professional Upholstery Cleaning

You don’t have to use a professional every week or month to clean the upholstery, but you should plan to use them occasionally. They have specialized equipment and training to help you get a deep and effective clean on your furniture.

In general, the industry recommendation is to hire professional cleaning every 12-24 months, depending on your needs. This is a great rule of thumb, and you can just schedule it for those times of the year when you deep clean your home. Spring cleaning or holiday cleaning times are great times to work it in!

We Can Help with Your Upholstery Cleaning Needs!

When you need professional cleaning services, we’ve got you covered. Semper Fi has the expertise and equipment to get your upholstery looking its best. Protect your home and health with routine deep cleaning.

Contact us today to get your cleaning appointment booked or to get a cleaning quote!

4 Signs You Might Need Upholstery Cleaning

4 Signs You Might Need Upholstery Cleaning

In most cases, professionals recommend that you get upholstery cleaning done once or twice a year. Every six to twelve months is typically good enough. That being said, there are some situations where you may need it more often. There are even times you could stretch longer between cleanings.

How do you know? Take a look at these 4 common signs.

1. Mysterious Odors

Are you catching whiffs of unpleasant odors on or around your furniture? This is a common indicator it’s time to clean that couch! What many people don’t realize is that our furniture soaks up a lot of different things. You put your feet on the couch (or many people do). When someone is sick or not feeling well, they rest on the couch.

We sweat, sleep, and generally live life on our furniture. The evidence of that life, including nasty germs and sweat residue, takes up residence beneath the surface. It will build up there and make itself at home. So clean the upholstery to get rid of those nasty things causing funky odors.

2. Allergies Lead to Upholstery Cleaning

Perhaps you’ve noticed that your allergies are out of control when you hang out in your living room or family room. Maybe you haven’t made the correlation yet. Just like things that cause odors can take up residence, so can things that cause allergies. From nasty elements like dander and pollen to dust and mold, the couch can hold it all.

Your upholstery will hide these things beneath the surface, and then you suffer because of it. Cleaning the upholstery is the only way to help with these issues. And it doesn’t mean your home is dirty; it’s just that you need to take extra steps to get a deeper clean.

3. Looking Rough?

Here’s another sign it’s time to take action. Is your furniture looking like it’s seen better days? The colors might seem a little dull. Or maybe you even have stains and discoloration in some places. Furniture absolutely does wear out over time. But you might be surprised at how much of a difference deep cleaning can make.

4. Pets in the Home Require More Upholstery Cleaning

If you have pets in the home, you must clean your furniture more often. Pets shed and have dander that can aggravate allergies and asthma. They also track things from outside around the home with them. All of that hair, dander, and debris settles down inside your furniture.

Plan to have cleanings done at least twice a year. In some cases, you may need it more. If you have pets, or they are allowed on the furniture, it’s absolutely necessary.

Let Semper Fi Help with Your Upholstery Cleaning Needs

Don’t let day-to-day life wear down your furniture. Give it a simple refresh at least once a year to keep it looking its best. Semper Fi is here to help with all of your cleaning needs. Clean your furniture as needed. Or you can be on a rotating schedule. We’ve got you covered either way!

Is Your Upholstery Affecting Your Health?

Is Your Upholstery Affecting Your Health?

All too often, we forget just how important upholstery cleaning really is. Think about it: when was the last time you vacuumed the couch? What about the last time you had the couch professionally cleaned?

The truth is that your upholstery can host dirt and debris far down in the depths. All that junk beneath the surface could be affecting your health, which is why cleaning is so important.

How Often Do You Need Upholstery Cleaning?

You can vacuum your upholstery and do some cleaning on your own. Those small things will make a big difference. But you also need to consider professional cleaning on occasion. Not only can the professionals help you get a deeper clean, but they might be able to refresh your upholstery in ways you didn’t know were possible.

The industry recommendation is to have your upholstery cleaned at least once a year. If you have pets or you suffer from allergies and asthma, you might consider 2-4 times a year for the best results.

Allergy Triggers

Even if you aren’t prone to severe allergies, the dust and debris within your upholstery have the ability to trigger allergies and cause problems. And if you are susceptible to allergies or sensitive in any way, this could make your allergies far worse.

Things like pet dander, dust, dust mites, and even dead skin find their way beneath that top layer of material and they set up residence within. They just pile up and accumulate. The only way to stop them is a deep cleaning.

Asthma or Breathing Issues

Just like with allergies, all of that stuff building up inside the upholstery could cause asthma or other breathing problems. When you plop down on the couch, do you see dust jumping up or floating in the air? Take note of when you struggle to breathe or need an inhaler. Are these events associated with sitting on the furniture?

The dust within does come up when you sit down or move. That could easily lead to you having issues breathing if you aren’t careful.

Spreading Illness

Where do you hang out when you’re sick? Do you lounge on the couch, napping and binging your favorite shows? That’s pretty common. But that also means that your germs are finding their way into the upholstery.

Your furniture could quite literally be storing nasty germs that spread bacteria and illness. There are plenty of ways that illnesses could be spread within the home, all thanks to dirty upholstery.

Get Professional Upholstery Cleaning for Your Home

You shouldn’t have to worry about your furniture making you ill. Protect your health and your home with upholstery cleaning instead. Be proactive and vacuum your furniture on occasion. However, be sure to schedule your routine cleaning as well to really get down into the depths and keep it clean!

Semper Fi Floor Care & Restoration can help! Our teams have the proper equipment and training to refresh your upholstery and help keep your home happy and healthy. Give us a call today to learn more about your options and get your cleaning process scheduled.

How Can Commercial Cleaning Improve Your Home?

How Can Commercial Cleaning Improve Your Home?

Using a commercial cleaning company isn’t always just about cleaning up the toughest messes. While you certainly don’t have to bring in commercial companies for everyday cleaning, they do have a lot of benefits with regular use.

Commercial cleaners can spruce up your home. They can get you that deeper clean that you just can’t seem to accomplish on your own. You will notice a transformation every time you hire them. Here are some great ways that commercial cleaning professionals can help improve your home.

Deeper Clean When You Need It

One of the top advantages of using commercial companies is the deeper clean. They can clean challenging things like mattresses or upholstery. They can also typically do carpet cleaning and can really refresh tile and grout as well.

These companies have specialized industrial-strength equipment used to get far beneath the surface. You would be surprised at how much junk can hide under a surface and how much the visual appeal improves when that gets cleaned up.

Again, this deep clean can be done just a couple of times a year but can make a huge difference.

Increased Longevity of Home Interiors

Did you know that commercial cleaning solutions could potentially increase the longevity of your surfaces by several years? This relates to the deeper clean they can give you. Think about this: your carpet has the ability to gather several pounds of dirt and debris every year. Your daily vacuuming helps to get some of that up, but it can’t capture all of it.

Eventually, the buildup leads to your carpets and other surfaces looking drab, dirty, and worn. But in truth, they might just need a better cleaning solution. Your surfaces could go from looking like they need replacement to looking like a million bucks. Before you run out and replace the couch or the carpets, think about having them commercially cleaned first. It might just save you some money.

Eco-Friendly Approach

Many of the home cleaners that you purchase are loaded with chemicals and unknown ingredients. Things like bleach are really bad for you to be around or inhale. And it always seems like when you use the “green” cleaning products, they just don’t cut it.

One of the cool things about commercial cleaning companies is that they have access to things you simply don’t have. They can use environmentally-friendly solutions paired with their industrial equipment. The results are an eco-friendly approach and a much deeper clean for your home. It’s a win-win.

In addition, you might find yourself reusing or using certain things for longer before replacing them. This is a great way of being more eco-friendly as well.

Call in the Commercial Cleaning Cavalry!

When you need that deeper, stronger clean, we’re here for you. Semper Fi Floor Care & Restoration can help refresh your home when you need it. Plan to do deep cleaning of certain surfaces once or twice a year. Give us a call to get a quote and get on the schedule. Your home will thank you.

Try These Top Tips for Upholstery Cleaning

4 Ways to Upgrade Your Household Today

Sprucing up your home doesn’t always require extensive renovations. Using household restoration services can do a lot to help refresh your home. An upgrade can include simple things like deep cleaning, along with other options that work really well to make things fresh and new again.

Take a look at these 4 ways to upgrade your house.

1. Try Carpet Cleaning Services

One great way to upgrade your home is to have the carpets professionally cleaned. Before you shrug off this recommendation, think about how much traffic your carpet sees. Did you know that our carpets can accumulate several POUNDS of dirt and debris within them each year? It’s quite literally a mess.

This hidden mess has an effect on how your carpets look and can make the carpet look dingy and old. A deep cleaning of the carpets can really refresh them. You might even feel like you have brand-new carpet when it’s done! It is recommended to have your carpets professionally cleaned at least once a year.

2. Upholstery Cleaning Refresh

Here’s another great option for household restoration services. Prolong your furniture’s life with a deep upholstery cleaning service rather than purchasing new furniture. If your couch is looking dingy and worn, it very well might just need a good cleaning.

Much like our carpets, you would be surprised at just how much dirt and debris can hide just beneath the surface of your upholstery. The professional recommendation for upholstery cleaning is at least once a year. Ideally, you might even consider 2-4 times a year if you have pets or children in the home.

3. Tile & Grout Improvements

Tiles are a popular choice for floors, particularly in areas like entryways, kitchens, and bathrooms. Some people have them throughout their entire homes, while others just have tile in a few select areas of the home. Despite your best efforts, it can be hard to keep tile and grout clean.

You see, the grout between your tiles is a porous material. This allows dirt to sneak down inside the pores and take up residence. Water from your cleaning or mopping can also soak into the pores. Over time, this causes grout to become discolored. Your tile is likely also discolored, but you may not notice it as much.

Try having your grout and tile professionally cleaned and see just how big a difference it can make in upgrading your home’s appearance.

4. Make Small Changes

You can upgrade your home and give it a refresh even with small changes. You don’t always have to go through an extensive remodel to accomplish a fresh, new look. Try a coat of paint or changing up some of the decor. Deep cleaning and services like these can also make a huge difference.

Some other small changes you might consider are things like new throw pillows, a new area rug, and changing lamps and light fixtures.

Household Restoration Services Make a Difference

These may seem like such small things, but they really do make a big difference. Before you spend the money on new carpet or furniture, try upgrading with a deep cleaning. Many times, this will give you a refreshed look and save you a few dollars too.

Semper Fi Floor Care & Restoration can help with these services as well as other restoration needs.

The 4 Biggest Mistakes Pet Owners Make in Their Homes

The 4 Biggest Mistakes Pet Owners Make in Their Homes

Pet owner mistakes in our homes are often the source of simply not understanding best practices. We love our pets and want them to feel loved too. However, there are some simple things we don’t think about that can lead to pet odors and other household issues as well.

Take a look at these 4 biggest mistakes that pet owners make in their homes.

1. Inconsistency

Your pet relies on you to learn what is right and what is wrong. They depend on you for their training. This includes everything from not chewing up your shoes to not using the bathroom in the house. Of course, there are things like no biting, no jumping, and others that are also important here.

However, a lot of pet owners fail to be consistent. This means consistency in taking the dog out as well as monitoring them and watching them. You also have to stick to your guns when it comes to rules, obedience, and routines. It’s up to you to be the leader. When you fail to be consistent, it’s quite possible your pet will disappoint you in some way.

2. House Rules

As an important element of working with your new pet and teaching them right and wrong, you need to establish some ground rules. If you don’t want the dog on the bed, you have to establish that rule and maintain it. Perhaps you don’t want pets in the kitchen. Establish that perimeter and stick to it at all times.

This also falls in with consistency. But you need to make the choice as to what is allowed and what is not allowed in the home. This can help prevent mishaps as well as confusion.

3. Training Pet Owner Mistakes

Training is hard. We get it. But you have to make the efforts to train your pet. If your new cat is using the bathroom in the corner rather than the litter box, you need to work on training. When the puppy refuses to quit chewing on things, this comes back to training.

Now, that being said, pets will make mistakes. As the human they rely on, you can look for ways to help train them out of those mistakes. Determine how you can prevent them from continuing.

4. Boredom is Bad

You certainly don’t want to let your pet get bored. This is when they are most likely to find trouble. They say that dogs that tend to be chewers are more likely to chew or act out when they are bored. Remember that your pets need stimulation and activity. They rely on you for exercise and entertainment.

Don’t fail them! Be prepared with toys, encouragement, exercise, and engagement to keep your pet from getting bored and getting into trouble.

Home Care Pet Owner Mistakes

New pets are bound to have accidents. As they are young or new to your home and learning, you likely will face pet accidents where they don’t use the bathroom properly. Pet owner mistakes can be easy to overcome, but you also have to learn how to deal with any aftermath.

Preventing future accidents relies on getting rid of those odors and target spots. Semper Fi Floor Care & Restoration can help take care of pet cleaning and pet odor removal to keep your home protected.

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