Start the New Year Right with Fresh Carpet Cleaning

Start the New Year Right with Fresh Carpet Cleaning

“New year, new you” is one of the top phrases people use when the new year hits. But we personally think “new year, new home” is a better phrase. A new year is a time of beginnings and refreshing. You’ve just survived the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Now it’s time to deep clean and refresh your home! Carpet cleaning is a great place to start for your new-year cleaning list.

Deep Clean

The holidays have come and gone, and let’s face it, your home is a mess! You probably saw a lot of extra traffic and you have remnants of gifts and a tree left behind. The only way to get things halfway back to normal is a deep clean.

It’s amazing how refreshed you can feel when your home looks refreshed, right? That deep clean is going to get way underneath the surface of your carpet, capturing all the debris and dirt hiding there.

Not only will it be cleaner and healthier, it will look much better.

Refreshing Look & Feel

When we say “new year, new home,” we don’t really mean you have to go out and buy a new home. It’s just that you’re probably feeling like things are “blah” after all the holiday decorations come down.

The space may feel like it needs an upgrade, and that can get expensive. Instead, try a refresh. You would be surprised at just how much difference a simple carpet cleaning procedure will make.

That carpet that was looking dull and dingy will look and feel refreshed. It’s going to seem like an upgrade just from the clean!

Odors Be Gone with Carpet Cleaning

Have you ever had an odor that you couldn’t really figure out in a room? After the holidays, it’s not unusual to have some odors. There have been extra feet on the floor and changes from holiday decor to everyday decor in most homes.

Our carpets can hold several pounds of dirt and debris, among other things. All of that gunk can cause odors to build up within the carpets and make your room smell a bit funky. But it doesn’t have to smell that way.

If you’re catching whiffs of odors and not finding any dirty socks, that’s ok. There’s a good chance that the funky smell is emanating from your carpets. A good professional cleaning will likely help clear that right up.

Let Us Help with Your Carpet Cleaning Needs

The carpets are all too often overlooked when it comes to deep cleaning. We dust and clean baseboards and trim, but we typically assume vacuuming is enough. While vacuuming is enough for day-to-day cleaning, it simply doesn’t get the deep spots beneath the surface.

Having the carpets cleaned a couple of times a year will make a huge difference. Try it out and see just how much better the room looks.

Semper Fi can help with any of your deep cleaning needs. We’ve got you covered no matter where the cleaning need is.

4 Signs You Might Need Upholstery Cleaning

4 Signs You Might Need Upholstery Cleaning

In most cases, professionals recommend that you get upholstery cleaning done once or twice a year. Every six to twelve months is typically good enough. That being said, there are some situations where you may need it more often. There are even times you could stretch longer between cleanings.

How do you know? Take a look at these 4 common signs.

1. Mysterious Odors

Are you catching whiffs of unpleasant odors on or around your furniture? This is a common indicator it’s time to clean that couch! What many people don’t realize is that our furniture soaks up a lot of different things. You put your feet on the couch (or many people do). When someone is sick or not feeling well, they rest on the couch.

We sweat, sleep, and generally live life on our furniture. The evidence of that life, including nasty germs and sweat residue, takes up residence beneath the surface. It will build up there and make itself at home. So clean the upholstery to get rid of those nasty things causing funky odors.

2. Allergies Lead to Upholstery Cleaning

Perhaps you’ve noticed that your allergies are out of control when you hang out in your living room or family room. Maybe you haven’t made the correlation yet. Just like things that cause odors can take up residence, so can things that cause allergies. From nasty elements like dander and pollen to dust and mold, the couch can hold it all.

Your upholstery will hide these things beneath the surface, and then you suffer because of it. Cleaning the upholstery is the only way to help with these issues. And it doesn’t mean your home is dirty; it’s just that you need to take extra steps to get a deeper clean.

3. Looking Rough?

Here’s another sign it’s time to take action. Is your furniture looking like it’s seen better days? The colors might seem a little dull. Or maybe you even have stains and discoloration in some places. Furniture absolutely does wear out over time. But you might be surprised at how much of a difference deep cleaning can make.

4. Pets in the Home Require More Upholstery Cleaning

If you have pets in the home, you must clean your furniture more often. Pets shed and have dander that can aggravate allergies and asthma. They also track things from outside around the home with them. All of that hair, dander, and debris settles down inside your furniture.

Plan to have cleanings done at least twice a year. In some cases, you may need it more. If you have pets, or they are allowed on the furniture, it’s absolutely necessary.

Let Semper Fi Help with Your Upholstery Cleaning Needs

Don’t let day-to-day life wear down your furniture. Give it a simple refresh at least once a year to keep it looking its best. Semper Fi is here to help with all of your cleaning needs. Clean your furniture as needed. Or you can be on a rotating schedule. We’ve got you covered either way!

Can You Tell How Old Water Damage Is?

Can You Tell How Old Water Damage Is?

Do you see that spot on the wall over there? That large brown one? Perhaps you never noticed it before. Or maybe you knew it was there, but now it looks like it’s growing or changing. Chances are that discoloration has come from water damage. But how are you supposed to know if it’s new or if it’s from old damages you just never got repaired?

Take a look at these simple tips to navigate the differences.

Is There Dampness?

The first thing you can do is simply touch the spot. This may sound simple, but you would be surprised at how many people don’t think to do so. When you touch the spot, if you feel any type of moisture or dampness, then you have a new water problem of some sort. While that spot may be old, there is something causing it to grow and be damaged further. If it is actually wet or moist, you have new damage and new problems.

That being said, don’t mistake moisture for materials that are just squishy or mushy because of previous damage. Look for real moisture.

Are There Rings in the Water Damage?

Next, you can look for rings in the damage to determine whether it’s new or old. While you might not be able to dictate the exact age, you can tell whether it’s something that has been there for a while. For example, what you’re looking for is the initial spot of damage, and then whether there are any lighter rings around it.

When there are no rings, generally that spot is a new spot. However, if there are rings around it or other marks, then chances are it is an old-damage spot. The only question is whether the issue was ever fixed, and it’s just continuing to grow. However, a new spot will still be small with no rings.

Look for Rot or Decay

Another great way to differentiate between old and new damage spots is whether there is any rot or decay of the materials. Sometimes, you won’t be able to see this on the surface. Over time, water will cause materials to chip away, decay, or rot. This includes paint, drywall, and especially wood. However, it sometimes takes longer for these signs to become obvious on the surface.

If you see signs of rot or decay on the surface, it’s definitely an aged spot.

What About Mold?

Finally, look for areas that indicate mold. Where there is older water damage, there is almost always mold nearby as well. Mold can sometimes be more challenging to identify, but it will likely look similar to black or brown spots. You might even see some fuzziness with some mold. Mold is typically a different color from the water spots, and it will grow in spotty patches.

Bring in a Water Damage Professional

If you’re noticing signs of damage, whether it’s new or old, you should get it inspected and taken care of. Semper Fi Floor Care & Restoration can help inspect the area of concern and devise a plan for restoration and cleanup. If the spot is new, get it taken care of right away to prevent mold. If the spot is old, you still don’t want to ignore it, as it will only get worse.

3 Common Signs You Might Need Tile & Grout Services

3 Common Signs You Might Need Tile & Grout Services

Your tile and grout can easily start to look dirty or discolored over time. Even with your best cleaning efforts, this could be a problem. The good news is that tile & grout services can help with issues just like these.

We know what you’re thinking. Can’t you just bleach the tiles or clean them with DIY methods? Well, sure you can. But there are times when it really does pay to bring in a professional cleaning service too.

Check out these 3 signs that can help you determine when tile and grout cleaning might be needed.

3 Signs You Need Tile & Grout Services

1. Discoloration

Perhaps the most noticeable sign that you need tile and grout cleaning is when you start noticing discoloration. Your white grout is turning into brown grout, and it doesn’t have to. Grout will discolor over time as dirt or moisture find its way beneath the surface.

But it doesn’t have to stay that way. You would likely be amazed at how a deep cleaning from a professional renews and refreshes the look of your grout. That discoloration you thought you were stuck with will disappear. Your floors will look SO much better.

2. Tile or Grout Starts Looking Dull

Here’s another common sign for you. You were so proud of that tile when it was put in. It was absolutely gorgeous. But now it’s been a year or two, and it just doesn’t seem to have the same glow. That’s because dirt, grime, and even time wear on your tiles.

Hiring in tile & grout services is a great way to get a refresh. It’s not even just about a deeper clean here, but about bringing your tiles back to life. Skip reinstalling new tile for now, and go for a professional cleaning instead.

3. Mold Shows Up

Finally, the third most common sign that you need tile and grout cleaning is mold. This may be harder to pinpoint specifically, but you want to watch for it. Typically, the sign is discoloration of your tiles. However, instead of brown it will likely have shades of black or green that identify it as mold.

This happens when water soaks into the grout and eventually leads to mold growth. Mold can potentially be a health risk, so you want to get cleaning in place quickly to avoid making it worse. This is most likely to happen in spaces that are more prone to moisture. The bathroom or the kitchen are fairly common culprits. You’re less likely to see it in places like a hallway or living room.

Hire Professional Cleaning on a Routine Basis

The best thing that you can do is simply plan to hire in tile & grout services on a routine basis. We recommend at least once a year to really refresh your tiles and bring them to life again. However, you can always operate on an as-needed basis too.

Your tiles don’t have to be dull, dingy, discolored, or any other ‘dirty’ word. Give Semper Fi Floor Care & Restoration a call to make them look great again.

Professional Carpet Cleaning vs DIY: What’s the Difference?

Professional Carpet Cleaning vs DIY: What’s the Difference?

Having your carpets cleaned has a lot of different variables. It can be hard to choose between professional carpet cleaning or just doing it yourself. Have you ever wondered what the difference is, or which is the better solution? Check out the details below to better understand the differences.

Equipment Details

When you compare DIY carpet cleaning to professionals, one of the biggest differences is the equipment. While you can buy home carpet cleaners, they are not as powerful as professional equipment cleaners. Even the carpet cleaners you can rent are typically not as powerful as those the pros use.

The professionals have access to much stronger equipment that will likely be able to get a deeper clean as well. You pay a bit more, but the results are well worth it. Of course, you also have to schedule and work on their timeline. This can be a bit of an inconvenience at times.

Carpet Drying Times

When you clean carpets on your own, they can take forever to dry. It doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong, it’s just that the carpets get wetter this way. The carpet can even feel soaked and take hours to fully dry.

Professionals have the training and expertise to do the job without leaving soaking carpets. Some professionals also provide courtesy drying to help dry up the wet carpet much faster. You have to be very careful not to oversaturate your carpets when doing DIY.

Work Quality

You are quite capable of doing a DIY process. However, in comparison to a professional, there will be a difference in the results. Professionals are highly trained and skilled to be able to get a deeper clean. They know what to look for, and how to be consistent with high-quality work.

Think of a professional carpet cleaning as offering a deeper clean one or two times a year.

Frequency of Cleaning

DIY cleaning should be happening frequently. From vacuuming to cleaning stains and spills, you are responsible for everyday cleaning needs. Let the professionals be the ones who come in on occasion when you need a deeper clean.

Home DIY cleaning will take place daily, weekly, monthly, or whatever works for you. Professional deeper cleans will be annual, semi-annual, or possibly even quarterly in some cases.


Finally, the last difference we want to note is the cost. Hiring professional cleaners can be quite a bit more expensive. But the good news is that you only hire them occasionally. Your DIY solutions will be more affordable, and they fill in the gaps between professional services.

Plan ahead for the cost, and know that it will likely save you money over time by preserving your carpets for longer.

Semper Fi Professional Carpet Cleaning Services

Semper Fi floor care & restoration is here for your carpet cleaning needs. Our teams are trained and certified to clean your carpets and make them look like new again. Plan to have carpets cleaned about every 6 months to keep them looking great. Contact us today to get scheduled.

Is Your Upholstery Affecting Your Health?

Is Your Upholstery Affecting Your Health?

All too often, we forget just how important upholstery cleaning really is. Think about it: when was the last time you vacuumed the couch? What about the last time you had the couch professionally cleaned?

The truth is that your upholstery can host dirt and debris far down in the depths. All that junk beneath the surface could be affecting your health, which is why cleaning is so important.

How Often Do You Need Upholstery Cleaning?

You can vacuum your upholstery and do some cleaning on your own. Those small things will make a big difference. But you also need to consider professional cleaning on occasion. Not only can the professionals help you get a deeper clean, but they might be able to refresh your upholstery in ways you didn’t know were possible.

The industry recommendation is to have your upholstery cleaned at least once a year. If you have pets or you suffer from allergies and asthma, you might consider 2-4 times a year for the best results.

Allergy Triggers

Even if you aren’t prone to severe allergies, the dust and debris within your upholstery have the ability to trigger allergies and cause problems. And if you are susceptible to allergies or sensitive in any way, this could make your allergies far worse.

Things like pet dander, dust, dust mites, and even dead skin find their way beneath that top layer of material and they set up residence within. They just pile up and accumulate. The only way to stop them is a deep cleaning.

Asthma or Breathing Issues

Just like with allergies, all of that stuff building up inside the upholstery could cause asthma or other breathing problems. When you plop down on the couch, do you see dust jumping up or floating in the air? Take note of when you struggle to breathe or need an inhaler. Are these events associated with sitting on the furniture?

The dust within does come up when you sit down or move. That could easily lead to you having issues breathing if you aren’t careful.

Spreading Illness

Where do you hang out when you’re sick? Do you lounge on the couch, napping and binging your favorite shows? That’s pretty common. But that also means that your germs are finding their way into the upholstery.

Your furniture could quite literally be storing nasty germs that spread bacteria and illness. There are plenty of ways that illnesses could be spread within the home, all thanks to dirty upholstery.

Get Professional Upholstery Cleaning for Your Home

You shouldn’t have to worry about your furniture making you ill. Protect your health and your home with upholstery cleaning instead. Be proactive and vacuum your furniture on occasion. However, be sure to schedule your routine cleaning as well to really get down into the depths and keep it clean!

Semper Fi Floor Care & Restoration can help! Our teams have the proper equipment and training to refresh your upholstery and help keep your home happy and healthy. Give us a call today to learn more about your options and get your cleaning process scheduled.

Call Us Today! (928) 388-9413