Finding the Right Resources for Trauma Services

Finding the Right Resources for Trauma Services

When it comes to any kind of trauma, there are several different aspects to consider. Trauma services include cleaning up any mess, but there are also other things to consider. While the part that we help with is cleanup, we recognize that it is essential to know where to turn when you’re facing a trauma.

Take a look at some of these resources that may be able to help.

Mental Health Services

When a trauma occurs, anyone affected could potentially face a mental health struggle. There are so many ways our mental health can be impacted, and it’s important to know where to turn.

The victim may experience a lot of struggles, but so might their family members and supporters. Even though trauma typically affects the victim the most, the people surrounding the victim will also need support.

Find a mental health service in your area, or even plug into a telehealth option. Your mental health is absolutely essential.

Legal Services

In some cases, you may need to obtain legal services. This may depend on the event, but there will probably be legalities in some manner. You’re going to have the officers and first responders who come to the scene, and you can lean on them.

But what about after the fact? You could need an attorney, or even ongoing security and protection in some cases. The law enforcement agencies are there to help you. You can also turn to additional support should the need arise.

Look into local providers to figure out the best solution for your needs.

Trauma Services for Cleaning

With most trauma situations, there is also cleaning to be done. When you’re the victim or the family of a victim, it’s hard to even think about facing that location. It’s even harder to deal with getting it clean.

In trauma situations, there are generally things like vomit, bodily waste, and other bodily fluids. These are considered biohazardous materials and you shouldn’t handle them. Hiring a cleaning service that is trained and prepared for trauma can help a lot.

We come in discreetly, we handle your situation with the utmost care, and we remove every trace of the trauma to make the space safe and usable again. There are specific protocols to follow to make this happen.

You Are Not Alone

A trauma is defined as a lasting emotional response following any sort of distressing event. The things that you feel afterward are normal, but that doesn’t make them easy.

Just know that you are not alone. Many people have experienced trauma, and there are resources designed to help you cope with the aftermath. However, it’s up to you to seek out these resources and use them.

Take care of yourself and plug into these things.

Let Us Help with Trauma Cleanup

Finding the available trauma services is the first step. Putting them to use and seeking help is the next. Keep moving forward.

If you need help with trauma cleanup, we’re here for you. Our teams treat every situation with the utmost care and discretion. We’re here to help! Reach out to us today at Semper Fi to learn more.

Start the New Year Right with Fresh Carpet Cleaning

Start the New Year Right with Fresh Carpet Cleaning

“New year, new you” is one of the top phrases people use when the new year hits. But we personally think “new year, new home” is a better phrase. A new year is a time of beginnings and refreshing. You’ve just survived the hustle and bustle of the holidays. Now it’s time to deep clean and refresh your home! Carpet cleaning is a great place to start for your new-year cleaning list.

Deep Clean

The holidays have come and gone, and let’s face it, your home is a mess! You probably saw a lot of extra traffic and you have remnants of gifts and a tree left behind. The only way to get things halfway back to normal is a deep clean.

It’s amazing how refreshed you can feel when your home looks refreshed, right? That deep clean is going to get way underneath the surface of your carpet, capturing all the debris and dirt hiding there.

Not only will it be cleaner and healthier, it will look much better.

Refreshing Look & Feel

When we say “new year, new home,” we don’t really mean you have to go out and buy a new home. It’s just that you’re probably feeling like things are “blah” after all the holiday decorations come down.

The space may feel like it needs an upgrade, and that can get expensive. Instead, try a refresh. You would be surprised at just how much difference a simple carpet cleaning procedure will make.

That carpet that was looking dull and dingy will look and feel refreshed. It’s going to seem like an upgrade just from the clean!

Odors Be Gone with Carpet Cleaning

Have you ever had an odor that you couldn’t really figure out in a room? After the holidays, it’s not unusual to have some odors. There have been extra feet on the floor and changes from holiday decor to everyday decor in most homes.

Our carpets can hold several pounds of dirt and debris, among other things. All of that gunk can cause odors to build up within the carpets and make your room smell a bit funky. But it doesn’t have to smell that way.

If you’re catching whiffs of odors and not finding any dirty socks, that’s ok. There’s a good chance that the funky smell is emanating from your carpets. A good professional cleaning will likely help clear that right up.

Let Us Help with Your Carpet Cleaning Needs

The carpets are all too often overlooked when it comes to deep cleaning. We dust and clean baseboards and trim, but we typically assume vacuuming is enough. While vacuuming is enough for day-to-day cleaning, it simply doesn’t get the deep spots beneath the surface.

Having the carpets cleaned a couple of times a year will make a huge difference. Try it out and see just how much better the room looks.

Semper Fi can help with any of your deep cleaning needs. We’ve got you covered no matter where the cleaning need is.

4 Signs You Might Need Upholstery Cleaning

4 Signs You Might Need Upholstery Cleaning

In most cases, professionals recommend that you get upholstery cleaning done once or twice a year. Every six to twelve months is typically good enough. That being said, there are some situations where you may need it more often. There are even times you could stretch longer between cleanings.

How do you know? Take a look at these 4 common signs.

1. Mysterious Odors

Are you catching whiffs of unpleasant odors on or around your furniture? This is a common indicator it’s time to clean that couch! What many people don’t realize is that our furniture soaks up a lot of different things. You put your feet on the couch (or many people do). When someone is sick or not feeling well, they rest on the couch.

We sweat, sleep, and generally live life on our furniture. The evidence of that life, including nasty germs and sweat residue, takes up residence beneath the surface. It will build up there and make itself at home. So clean the upholstery to get rid of those nasty things causing funky odors.

2. Allergies Lead to Upholstery Cleaning

Perhaps you’ve noticed that your allergies are out of control when you hang out in your living room or family room. Maybe you haven’t made the correlation yet. Just like things that cause odors can take up residence, so can things that cause allergies. From nasty elements like dander and pollen to dust and mold, the couch can hold it all.

Your upholstery will hide these things beneath the surface, and then you suffer because of it. Cleaning the upholstery is the only way to help with these issues. And it doesn’t mean your home is dirty; it’s just that you need to take extra steps to get a deeper clean.

3. Looking Rough?

Here’s another sign it’s time to take action. Is your furniture looking like it’s seen better days? The colors might seem a little dull. Or maybe you even have stains and discoloration in some places. Furniture absolutely does wear out over time. But you might be surprised at how much of a difference deep cleaning can make.

4. Pets in the Home Require More Upholstery Cleaning

If you have pets in the home, you must clean your furniture more often. Pets shed and have dander that can aggravate allergies and asthma. They also track things from outside around the home with them. All of that hair, dander, and debris settles down inside your furniture.

Plan to have cleanings done at least twice a year. In some cases, you may need it more. If you have pets, or they are allowed on the furniture, it’s absolutely necessary.

Let Semper Fi Help with Your Upholstery Cleaning Needs

Don’t let day-to-day life wear down your furniture. Give it a simple refresh at least once a year to keep it looking its best. Semper Fi is here to help with all of your cleaning needs. Clean your furniture as needed. Or you can be on a rotating schedule. We’ve got you covered either way!

Finding Reliable Fire Damage Restoration Near You

Finding Reliable Fire Damage Restoration Near You

Dealing with the aftermath of a fire can be a lot of work. You likely have damaged structural issues, as well as personal items. And it’s a huge mess. The thing is, it’s not just damage from the fire, but also damage from smoke and the water or chemicals that helped to put out the fire. When you need fire damage restoration, you need someone you can trust – someone who can help with all of it.

So how do you find that company? Take a look at these tips.

Always Available

Fires don’t happen on a set schedule. There may be times that you need help in the middle of the night. Yes, the firefighters will do a lot for you, but what about when the fire is out and their job is done? That’s when a restoration crew comes in. The good news is that the best crews are on call for you anytime, day or night. They can generally help you secure your space until cleanup can begin.

Depending on how bad the fire was, you may need to find somewhere else to stay. But with smaller fires, you might be able to get things started as soon as the area is cleared as safe. Find a company that is readily available that will be there quickly to serve you.

Reputable Company for Fire Damage Restoration

When you’re looking for fire damage help, you need a company that has a good reputation. After all, you’re going to be letting this company into your private space. You want to know that you can trust them to be secure, do things right, and not leave you in a bad spot.

The best way to determine whether or not a company is reputable is to do a little research. Check out reviews and see what others have to say. Look for proof of past work that they have done, and make sure they are a legitimate business. Ask around and see if anyone has ever used them. What type of feedback do people have for you?

A Professional Business Does Things Right

Finally, you want to use a professional business, because you know they are properly trained and equipped for this type of work. Fire damage isn’t just your everyday cleaning. Working with the aftermath of a fire requires specialized equipment as well as specialized skills and training to do so safely.

While there are some awesome DIY people out there and some really great handyman services, this isn’t the time to use those people. You to bring in a professional to ensure things get done safely and properly.

Let Us Help with Your Fire Damage Restoration Needs

If you’ve been affected by fire damage, you are not alone. Contact us at Semper Fi to help you work through the fire damage restoration process. Our teams are properly equipped and trained to safely and efficiently get your space cleaned up and ready to be used again.

3 Must-Know Details for the Mold Removal Process

3 Must-Know Details for the Mold Removal Process

When you think of mold removal, how do you picture the process? Maybe you imagine spraying some Kilz and being done with it, or even just wiping the walls down and sanitizing them. While these might be DIY processes that provide a short-term solution, there is actually much more to the process of removing mold.

Take a look at these 3 must-know details about removing mold.

1. Mold Removal Requires Specific Safety Needs

Ask yourself if you even know what kind of mold you are dealing with. Is there a chance that this could be toxic mold, like black mold? If so, you definitely do not want to touch it without proper preparation and precautions. If you breathe in those mold spores, they can have long-lasting health effects that you don’t want to deal with. Most of the health side effects are respiratory.

There are some basic safety parameters to remember. The first is being able to contain the infected area. This helps prevent spreading mold spores elsewhere. The second is proper breathing protection in that space. This may involve wearing respirators and masks, as well as setting up air purification in the room.

2. Mold Can Be Super Sneaky

You think that you know where the mold is, but what if you can’t see it all? In fact, the majority of the time, the parts that you can see are just the tip of the iceberg. Mold camouflages and hides. The spores are microscopic. So yes, while you might be able to see some of the mold, you likely cannot see it all.

This is where using a professional is critical. They have the skills and training to determine the extent of the mold. They also have specialized equipment. Mold likes to hide behind trim and baseboards, but it can also spread to the other side of a wall, move around corners, and hide beneath the surfaces that you see.

3. It’s Not Just Removal That Counts

Finally, you should know that it’s not just removing the mold that matters here. Yes, removing it is vital, but there are other details that have to be incorporated into the process. For example, how you dispose of the materials makes a difference. If you aren’t careful, you could spread more mold into other places.

Once mold has been removed, any exposed area has to be carefully sanitized and disinfected. This will help kill any stray mold spores from the work completed, as well as provide a layer of protection to the surrounding surfaces.

Call the Professionals for Mold Removal

Nobody wants to deal with mold removal, but it does happen. When and if it happens to you, the best decision you can make is to use a professional company to help with cleanup and safe removal processes. Semper Fi offers quick and reliable services. Our teams have specialized training, as well as high-quality equipment, to protect you and your space from mold. Don’t try to do it alone. We’re here for you.

Call Us Today! (928) 388-9413